April 28, 2011No Comments

Prototypes of Future Nature

How do YOU design nature? Whether we like it or not, nature evolves, following its own path towards the future. But is it really its own path? It’s probably fair to say that most people agree that Darwinian evolution is still happening today – natural evolution, survival of the fittest, species evolving to best fit their ever-changing environments. But what about the kind of evolution that some may consider, not so “natural”? Man-made species, genetically modified organisms, test-tube body parts, and creatures that have been forever tweaked by human interference.

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April 28, 2011No Comments

Design as Predictive Storytelling

In 1973 the renowned author and member of the so-called ‘Big Three’ of science fiction Arthur C. Clarke decided to put his opinions of successful predictive storytelling into law. Behold his third and most famous law: “Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.” Now, I’m going to go out on a limb here and modify Clarke slightly to read “Any sufficiently designed interaction is indistinguishable from magic.”

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April 28, 2011No Comments

Augmented Reality: Gimmick or Game Changer?

It’s hard to look back at 2009 and ignore the rather sudden blooming of augmented reality. What was it that made AR suddenly so popular? The rise of ‘mobile’ apps helped. But was that all there was to it? I don’t think so.You can learn so much about a culture by observing how they take in new information. It’s easier than ever to watch how the internet community responds to new things; whether it be a new president, a new episode of Fringe, the death of a pop icon, or ‘new’ technologies. When something happens you can literally watch the connected swarms absorbing the news, assimilating it into their lives, and regurgitating it in the form of comments, tweets, articles and other hip ways of communicating.

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April 28, 2011No Comments

Bits n’ Morter: Why Can’t We Feel the Internet?

I bet I’m not the only person who has wondered why we can’t feel the internet as it flows all around us, from our routers to our computers. What would it feel like if we could? Are there certain people who CAN feel the internet…a sort of sixth sense, Luke Skywalkerian “Force”? My point is, the internet is a magical, invisible thing. Its’ invisibleness is undeniable and naturally creates turmoil amongst humanity. We take it as a challenge. How to best make the internet more visible, more tangible, more REAL? As with any good challenge there are plenty of attempts at solutions; I’d like to share a few with you.

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April 28, 2011No Comments

Walt Disney’s iKids

I knew when my girlfriend suggested that we go to DisneyWorld together (I had never been there before, ever...I know, its crazytalk) that this would not only be an opportunity to have basically non-stop fun and get out of Rhode Island's miserable climate but that it could provide a rich source of professional inspiration. I'll have you know, I was more than right on both fronts.

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